So, farewell Game of Thrones. And while fans may spend long winter nights for years to come arguing about whether the final episode was a bit of an anti-climax (spoiler alert: it was all a dream; JR shot Jon Snow but then Dirty Den got fitted up for it), there can be no doubt that McCann have created the perfect parody for Aldi. Not only is the ad funny, leaving the viewer in no doubt about the GoT references, but it does so in a way that creates no legal liability. Creative perfection meets legal perfection: the ad is a case study in how to make the perfect parody.

The use of music, costumes, settings, sound effects and flames will be unmistakable to any GoT fan, but there is no copyright infringement, no trade mark infringement and no passing off.

Thanks to Nickie Stevens of 72andSunny Amsterdam for sharing this with me. This ad will now be part of my presentation, "How to make great advertising and sleep at night".

Even if the grand finale was a disappointment, this ad will certainly raise a smile to warm the cockles of your heart, even when winter has come.