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Alex Kelham, Partner, Lewis Silkin

Alex Kelham

Partner at Lewis Silkin

London, United Kingdom

About Me

I am an experienced commercial and IP lawyer and lead Lewis Silkin's firm-wide Sports Business Group. Although I have particular expertise in the sports sector, I also advise brands, marketing agencies and other IP rich businesses on a range of commercial, brand and marketing issues.In sport my clients include federations, teams, events, athletes and venues. I assist them in the management, exploitation and protection of their commercial rights. I advise on all aspects of hosting events, and also work with brands and agencies on a range of sports marketing and commercial matters, ranging from sponsorship, talent agreements and TV production, to social media and brand protection.

IP is at the heart of virtually all my work. I predominantly advise on non-contentious copyright, trade mark, image rights and passing off matters, helping clients to protect, exploit and enforce their IP assets. I am a leading global expert on ambush marketing and the special legislation that sports rights holders implement in relation to major events.

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