A mark of respect for the planet? Increase in "green" trade mark applications at EUIPO
The General Court has recently confirmed a refusal to register the verbal sign “Sustainability through Quality” as a trade mark, saying...
The General Court has recently confirmed a refusal to register the verbal sign “Sustainability through Quality” as a trade mark, saying...
In a recent New Zealand High Court decision, almost twelve thousands miles away, 108 boxes of the much-loved British breakfast cereal
In an important Supreme Court ruling (the Cartier v BT case), the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that ISPs should NOT be responsible for...
Kim Kardashian has launched her new perfume, KKW Body, with the eye-catching bottle design of, um, her body. Kardashian recently said...
In a further demonstration of how difficult it can be to register a shape as a trademark across the whole of Europe, Advocate General...
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